Coaches and Mentors

As a volunteer driven org, we rely on 1000s (yes, there is no mistake in this number!) of hours spent by all our coaches together to successfully complete one VEX IQ season. We appreciate their enthusiasm & dedications. 

Ramesh Narayanan - C0-FOUNDER and Coach

Ramesh founded Curious Robots org in 2018. He currently works at Amazon, and he got his inspiration about robotics by watching robots in action as part of his work. He wanted to inspire our next generation to get ready and contribute to the evolution of robots and it's impact on this world. 

Megha Ramesh - CO-Founder and Coach

Megha co-founded Curious Robots club in 2018. She played a critical role in building the foundational framework of this org. She started coaching "The Terminators" elementary school VEX-IQ team from 2020 which went on to win WA state championship in 2021 and 2022 and World Championship 3rd place in 2022. Apart from coaching teams to do well in Vex competitions she also volunteers to increase robotics awareness to under supported schools in India.  

Gomathi Sharma - Coach/Mentor

Gomathi Sharma has been a valuable member of Curious Robots since 2021. She is very passionate about coaching, consistently going above and beyond to help her teams grasp the fundamentals of robotics and develop strong collaboration skills. Gomathi is always seeking ways to enhance our programs and serves as a positive force within our club

Satish Kumar - Coach/Mentor

Satish Kumar has been a member of Curious Robots since 2022. A techie at heart with a passion for building, he successfully guided a new VEX IQ team to significant growth in their robotics skills. Under his leadership, the team has performed impressively in VEX IQ tournaments. Additionally, Satish is a great supporter of the club and always willing to contribute to support club activities.

Sai KoDI- Coach/Mentor

Sai Kodi has been a member of Curious Robots since 2022. He is very data-driven and brings a fresh perspective to everything he does for the club. Sai sets a high bar for his team each season, emphasizing learning over outcomes. This approach has greatly helped his team maximize their time and experiences in robotics.

Rakkimuthukumar  - coach

Rakki currently works at Microsoft, building Azure Cloud. He got curious about robotics along with his son Raghav, who is part of Curious Robots. He is very passionate about giving foundational design and programming skills to the kids that will make them ready to face the competitive world. Rakki is also interested in performing arts at his leisure and volunteer for various non-profits.

 KarthikEYAN Rajendran - coach

Karthik currently works at Amazon. He coaches kids on solving design challenges and coding fundamentals. He guides the kids to build autonomous program for their robots. Karthik is a martial artist and he love performing and teaching Indian traditional martial arts such as Adimurai and Silambam. Karthik is also an avid hiker and can be seen frequently hiking the Washington mountains. 

Kanaga madasamy - OUTREACH lead

Kanaga has twenty years of experience in tech industry. She helps in getting our students ready to attend competitions, provide them tools to keep their mind relaxed and perform at their optimum capability at all the time.


Returning student MENTORS

Success of our org depends on contributions from our previous students who give back by mentoring other teams in our club. Many students contribute 100+ hours every season.