2023 Washington Middle School VIQC Regional Championship

Three teams from our club attended the Middle school WA State level competition

Two of the teams got selected to compete in World level competition in Dallas.

One of the team (The Terminators - 2205A) Won the State Championship for Teamwork Challenge. 

It was a usual cloudy day in Wenatchee on March 11th. But in Foothill middle school, it was pretty hot with 40 middle school teams gathered to fight for the WA state championship. 

Our Cyber Tigers team came 3rd in Skill Championship with the autonomous high score -164.

Our The Terminators team came 1st in the Teamwork Challenge and won the State Championship title. Their Score was 272 the highest score in driver.  

Our club excelled in both driver and autonomous skills in the WA state. The number 1 and 3rd level teams in the entire WA state comes from our club.